Sunday 8 October 2017

Saroori kick started blacktopping work on Kuchal and Hurna roads

Announced blacktopping work on Sinthan road

Real purpose of MGNREGA scheme is being defeated by complete failure of Haq Khan in J&K

CHATROO, OCTOBER 08: - In order to fast track the development activities in sub-division Chatroo, Member of Legislative Assembly from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori toured Chingam, Chatroo, Gagrimal, Kakerwagan, Thal Dandu, Khawjgam, Hurna, Mugalmaidan, Mulwaar and Kuchal areas.

MLA Inderwal was accompanied by the officers of Rural Development, PHE, Revenue, and CAPD departments besides local congress party workers and inspected the ongoing works under various schemes of his legislative constituency. He also inspected the works pertaining to maintenance and upgradation of roads, lanes, drains and tyles work executed by PWD(R&B), PMGSY, RDD and other agencies at these places.

Saroori called upon the party & youth Congress workers to approach public and expose the truth behind the anti-people policies of the PDP-BJP and NDA governments. Jammu and Kashmir State, Saroori has questioned the role of the PDP-BJP which always indulged in rhetorics on the issue for the sake of its domestic politics and accused the Modi government for following an inconsistent and zig-zag policy towards Kashmir.

Underlining the importance of better road facility for the development of the region Saroori said that the better quality of road is the pre-requisite for the development of an area and once an area is connected with road than its development is assured. He was addressing gathering after kick starting the macdamisation works on Kuchal and Durbeel-Hurna roads. The macdamisation of 6.5 kms each long Kuchal and Hurna roads was a long pending demands of the people of this region as they were suffering badly due do dilapidated condition of this road. Kuchal and Hurna roads are being important road links connect thousands of the people of various villages and once macadamised it will facilitate these people by making this journey easy.

While interacting with the people at these places, Saroori said that projects amounting to several crores have been sanctioned due to his hard efforts. He said that initially the blacktopping of main roads of sub-division Chatroo along with the provision for providing better power and water supply remained his priority. On the occasion, MLA Inderwal also announced blacktopping work on Sinthan road from km 171 to 184 and inspected 4.5 kms long blacktopping patch work from Kuriya Pull to Chatroo. He also assured the people that the developmental works in the constituency shall be expedited.

Saroori said that in sheer violation of standing norms and the spirit of the much publicized Centrally sponsored scheme under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), lakhs of people belonging to the labour class, have been denied their hard earned wages worth over Rs 100 crores in the Kishtwar and Doda districts for the last over one year. Saroori said this during the one day long tour to Chatroo area, when many job card holder’s complaint with Mr. Saroori that they have not received any payment for the last two financial years that is 2016-17 and 2017-18.

He said a poor person belonging to labour class required wages in the evening after completion of work so that he or she could feed his/ her family by getting meals in the evening but if the labourer is denied wages for months together, then there is no purpose of such schemes. It indicated that the real purpose of the MGNREGA Scheme is being defeated especially in this State by complete failure of Minister for RDD Abdul Haq Khan despite the fact that spirit behind the scheme is very good for providing job to those living below poverty line or belonging to the category of poorest of the poor.

Saroori said several political leaders and Panchayat heads are repeatedly demanding release of wages but their voice is falling to the deaf ears of state government and Haq Khan. He said voters elected BJP with great hopes of development, but since day one, the party has shown its real face by taking anti-people stand such as weakening of MGNREGA and giving huge tax concessions to industrial houses. He said MGNREGA job card holders should be provided rightful money. He warned the Central Government and Rural Development Department that in case of further delay in the payment of liability wages, he along with thousands of Job card holders will start agitation.

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