Tuesday 17 October 2017

Congress is a cadre based party that derives its strength from people and works for their empowerment and dignity: Saroori

50 prominent political activists of BJP & PDP from Deller Chatroo joined in Congress party

DELLER (CHATROO), OCTOBER 17: - Declaring that Congress is the only answer to end political instability in Jammu and Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee Vice President Mr. G. M Saroori said that people are determined to bounce back and give a decisive mandate to a single party for reversing misgovernance and developmental breakdown in the state.

“In days to come, it will not be exploitive and divisive politicians who will force the discourse but the political narrative will be set by the people, who have undergone most traumatic phase due to fractured mandate", Mr Saroori said while welcoming over 50 prominent political activists of BJP & PDP of Block Chatroo from Deller areas into Congress party which includes Mohd Iqbal Reshi, Shakir Hussain, Manzoor Hussain, Mohd Shafi, Mohd Iqbal, Maqbool Hussain, Jaffar Hussain, Shabir Hussain, Abdul Rashid, Shahnawaz Hussain, Shabir Ahmed, Abdul Rehman, Mohd iqbal, Shakeel Ahmed, Mohd Ashraf, Akhtar Hussain, Ghulam Mohd, Bashir Ahmed and others.

Tracing disillusionment and discontent of people to the prevailing misgovernance and neglect of the ruling dispensation to their needs, Mr. Saroori expressed anguish over thrust of governance not being centred on the will of the people but on personal greed and the self-elevation of political actors.

He said governance in its present state has deepened alienation and generated mistrust between various segments of society. He said Congress is a cadre based party that derives its strength from people and works for their empowerment and dignity.

Saroori said that people of Jammu and Kashmir have very bad experience of coalitions and now they realize the need of political stability that can steer out Jammu and Kashmir from the prevailing morass.

“The people understand that it is only the Congress that is capable of creating jobs, feeding mouths, ending alienation, instilling sense of security and realizing ambitions of all the three regions of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh especially rural and far-flung areas . He said Congress has a chequered history of public service and engaging people in positive pursuits.

The state Congress vice president said joining of cross section of people into the Congress reflects their trust in the party that speaks for all and strives for welfare and dignity of all, irrespective of caste, creed, region and religion. “Time stands testimony to the fact that Congress has never ever brought the three regions, rural or urban face to face or encouraged wedge between people of various faiths, which has now become norm of the opportunistic and exploitative politics", Saroori said adding that this is why the party stands tall in all the three regions.

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