Monday 23 October 2017

Madrasa-Shams-Ul-Aalam Kahara annual function day celebrated

People should follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW): Imam markazi talab khatinga

No Muslim can sing 'Vande Mataram' if he considers himself to be a true believer: Saroori

KAHARA, OCTOBER 23: - Annual function day of Madrasa-Shams-Ul-Aalam Assarabad was celebrated at Kahara of Doda district. Eminent Muslim scholars, Management of the Madrasa, thousands of people and other dignitaries were also present in the function.

The program was started with the recitation of verses from holy Qur'an, followed by Naat by the students of the madrasa. Students of Madrasa displayed a beautiful program of Qiraat, Naat, Hamd, Hadees, Duaye and many more. Markazi Imam Jamia Masjid Khatinga Talab Mufti Anaytullah presided over the function and other Islamic scholars, MLA Inderwal, G. M Saroori were the guest of honor.

"No Muslim can sing 'Vande Mataram' if he considers himself to be a true believer," said Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) from Inderwal, G. M Saroori. During his address to huge gathering, Saroori also accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led Government in the Centre of spreading Hindutva and destroying secularism from the nation. Just to promote Hindutva and to end secularism, these kinds of decisions are being taken.

Saroori said that rather than promoting Hindutva, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) should promote ‘constitution nationalism’. “We Muslims only worship Allah, neither we praises Mecca nor Prophet Muhammad. But that doesn’t mean that we don’t love our nation. History has witnessed that we have sacrificed everything for the country and is still ready to do it. But as per the Constitution we have been granted freedom of religion. Why are we only promoting Hindutva,” Saroori asked. “The real face of the BJP is being unveiled now. Sabka Saath and Sabka Vikas was just a drama, there real intention was to hurt Muslims and to raise sensational issues,” he added.

He further condemned those people who try to demonise Islam by raising the sentimental issues and urged Muslims all over the India to unite in isolating and exposing the nefarious designs of such divisive forces. Referring to the series of issues raised by the centre government including triple tallak, Taj Mahal, Biryani, Gau Rakshak, Uniform civil code, Saroori said that any interference in Muslim Personal matters will not be tolerated. He urged all Muslims to condemned the acts of extremism committed by BJP, Shiv Sena, Bajrag Dal, and other vested elements to malign the message of peace preached by the great religion of Islam’’. “These are troubled times and we need to join our hands together to isolate and expose these fringe groups,’’ he said and announced that Rs. 10 lakhs stands released out of his CDF for the construction of sanitary complex near Jamia Masjid Kahara besides this announced one lakh and eleven thousands from his salary for the Kahara madrasa. 

Imam Markazi Jamia Masjid Talab Khatinga, Mufti Anaytullah in his address said that the people should follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He said the Prophet’s (SAW) arrival brought awakening, enlightment, and word of Allah to the world which was otherwise buried in the darkness of Jahiliya. He said everybody should follow the footsteps and abide by the teaching of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He said that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) gave man both the freedom to think and freedom to live. Throwing light over the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), Imam Khatinga described him as the prime resistance and freedom loving leader. He said Prophet Muhammad (SAW) brought the real freedom in the world by liberating people from the human slavery and asking them submit their will and life before only one creator of universe- Allah.

Mufti Anaytullah said the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) life was the role model for the conglomerate and they were following and taking inspiration from him in their ongoing struggle with the fascist cum communal movement. He also said that the Madrasa where hundreds of students get Deeni (religious) education has enlighten many people and lauded the efforts of Madrasa faculty for imparting religious education. Describing the religious education as basic education to ensure the all round development of the person besides making him civilizes', Molana stressed upon hard work by children and the teachers of the Madrasa to prune new generation in better way.

Other speakers including Mufti Jamal Ud Din, Mufti Nazir Ahmed, Mufti Fateh Mohd, Mufti Parvez Alam Imam Jamia Masjid Kahara during their address exhorted students, parents and people to make best use of religious education and follow the principles as shown in the holy book. They asked people why this is happening with us. First of all we ourselves are responsible for this. We are not united. We have stopped following Quran and Sunnah. We have stopped gaining the knowledge. We are divided into sects and Nationalism. Secondly our enemies are also trying hard to make the things worse and worse for us by doing conspiracies. Muslim Ummah should be like one body. When one Muslim is in pain in one corner of the world the other in other corner should feel the pain and help him. Loving our country is natural but Nationalism should not overcome the Ummah. Islam is above country. We should also not be divided on basis of Sectarianism. Quran clearly teaches us to not be divided into sects. The solution to overcome sectarianism is following Quran and Sunnah. He said that we should also be ready to respond to the conspiracies of our enemies. They want to divide and conquer people.

Haji Abdul Qayoom, Haji Abdul Latief, Haji Nazir Ahmed Qazi, Rehamtullah Bhat, Dilawar Parray, Zulfikar Ali Wani, Bashir Ahmed Sirwal, Ghulam Rasool Butt, Sabdar Ahmed Wani, Chowdhary Farooq Ahmed, Shamasdin Harga, Manzoor Shan, Haji Ghulam Hussain, Jaffar Hussain Parray, Abdul Hameed, Abid Hussain, Abdul Qayoom, Mohd Ramzan and people in large attended the annual madrasa function here at Kahara.

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