Sunday 26 August 2018

Hundreds of political activists from sub-division Chatroo joined Congress

Congress provided platform to young people and can play their role in shaping destiny of the state: Saroori

Party workers are the backbone of the Congress: Thakur Balbir Singh

KISHTWAR, AUGUST 26: - Hundreds of political activists from Mugalmaidan and Chatroo blocks joined Congress at MLA Inderwal’s residence here at Kishtwar.

The newly entrants was welcomed into the party by JKPCC Vice President and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori and Thakur Balbir Singh MLC at a function organized to welcome them.

While welcoming, Mr. Saroori said this gives us an idea about the changing circumstances. So many youngsters want to join and work with our new president Rahul Gandhi. I am sure it won’t stop with this and the Congress would become the strongest party in the country. Congress has all along provided platform to young people so that they can play their role in shaping destiny of the state and would empower them to fight the myriad challenges the State is faced with.

Mr. Saroori expressed hope that newly entrants would work tirelessly to uphold the secular ideals of the party and work towards isolating communal and divisive forces who are working overtime to create fissures in the secular fabric of the State.

MLC Thakur Balbir Singh in his address said Congress is the only party in the State where party workers are the backbone of the party and work under a democratic and organized system that is based on mutual respect and discipline. We all should pledge to work in strengthening Rahul Gandhi’s hands in his dream to usher state into an era of peace, prosperity and development.

Balbir Singh also asked the party leaders to work closely with the grassroots workers in addressing pressing public issues and concerns in their respective areas. “Our workers are the backbone of the party and all efforts should be made to involve the youth in evolving ways to strengthen the party and also reach out to the people who are facing the worst possible era of misgovernance and political instability due to the opportunistic alliance that is at the helm in the State”, he said.

Speaking on the occasion, the newly entrants reposed their faith in the party and said the Congress has a glorious history of fighting for the rights and interests of the people and it is this goal that we would nurture and contribute towards. They pledged to work for further strengthening the Congress at grass root level in the sub-division Chatroo and exuded faith that Congress alone can satiate the aspirations of youth and steer the state to peace, progress and development. They said they will work as foot-soldiers to carry forward the cherished mission of Congress in strengthening the bonds of unity and amity between various segments of the society.

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