Thursday 2 August 2018

Saroori kick started two days tour of Kuchal Mugalmaidan

Reach out to the people to expose the failures and misdeeds of BJP: Saroori to caders

Holds workers meetings; two dozen political activists joined Congress

KUCHAL (MUGALMAIDAN), AUGUST 02: - Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori held workers meetings at Kuchal area of tehsil Mugalmaidan where he met with the delegations from Wani Mohalla, Mir Mohalla, Hukwas, Lohar Mohalla, Hajam Mohalla, Rather Mohalla, Hurmulla, Ahanger Mohalla, Noor Plan, Ganie Mohalla, Sheikhpura, Butt Pura, Khunti Mohalla, Rain Mohalla, Youth Congress and other delegations.

While addressing, Saroori exhorted upon the party workers’ to dedicate their time and efforts to working with the people to improve public infrastructure and the delivery of essential services, He said he would continue to leave no stone unturned to work towards bettering the lives of the people and would continue to fight for their fair share of developmental funds.

“Saroori focused on strengthening booth level structure of the party and said that the booth forms the very basic structure of the party to ensure the win of party in every coming election, strengthening of the booth level structure is must. Saroori said and added that during Congress tenure under the guidance and leadership of Ghulam Nabi Azad has provided healing and nourishing touch to the lives of common masses. He said that it is the commitment of Congress to work with a mission to uplift the social structure without caste, color, creed, region, religion.

He blamed the BJP government for the prevalent corruption and other malpractices in the administration and said that the conditions have gone worst after the formation of government by NDA at the Centre. Reach out to the people to expose the failures and misdeeds of the previous coalition government in order to educate them about the falsehood and double standards of the PDP-BJP dispensation on governance and security situation,” Saroori told cadres.

Saroori prompted the party leaders, workers to focus on the all the developmental tasks for the benefit of the general masses while simultaneously working on the extension of party activities in every sphere. He stressed on the earliest completion of booth level structure to augment the party working.

On the occasion hundreds of political joined Congress party in presence of Mr. Saroori. A function was organized for them to welcome into the party. While welcoming Mr. Saroori said that several welfare initiatives taken by the UPA government have been abandoned, which include Rural Electrification Scheme. He said that due to anti people policies, BJP are facing rebellion within the party ranks as a result of which many of their workers are joining Congress.

Saroori suggested the new entrants that they should work for strengthening the party base and making the program and policy of the party further success.

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