Wednesday 3 April 2013

Saroori demanded enhance of food grains to J&K at the scale of 35 to 50 Kg per family per month.

Food grains to people as per 2001 census not as 2011 census.

Jammu, April 3: The direction regarding presence of Ministers was issued when neither Minister for CAPD was available in the House to respond to the Calling Attention Notice of Congress MLA and former Minister, G M Saroori nor the Ministers present in the House were having the copy of the written reply.

As no Minister stood up to respond to the Calling Attention Notice of Saroori regarding shortage of ration in erstwhile Doda district and serious concern having been expressed by Saroori over the same, Secretary Legislative Assembly M Ramzan immediately furnished the written reply to the Minister for Agriculture, Ghulam Hassan Mir. Before the Agriculture Minister could start replying to the Calling Attention Notice, Saroori remarked, “at least Director CAPD is present in the officer’s gallery and he might take note of my grievances”.

Soon after Mr Mir read the reply, Speaker directed the Deputy Chief Minister, Tara Chand to ensure that in case the Cabinet Minister is not available then the Minister of State concerned must remain present for the reply especially during the Calling Attention Notice.

Responding immediately, Deputy Chief Minister said, “every Minister is the part of the Government. Whosoever responds on behalf of other Minister remains prepared enough to answer the query of the Members up to their satisfaction”. “The Member should address the Chair and not the officers in the gallery”, he added.

On this, Saroori remarked, “we are not daily wagers…we are not here for voting only. We have also been elected by the people to raise their grievances on the floor of the House”.

Thereafter, Speaker reiterated his directions to the Government that either Cabinet Minister or Minister of State concerned should remain present in the House especially during the Calling Attention Notice.
When Minister for CAPD and Transport, Ch. Mohammad Ramzan came inside the Assembly he informed the House that the Government of India is providing food grains to J&K State at the scale of 35 kg per family per month on the basis of projected population as on 01-03-2001. He said there is no proposal to enhance the present scale of 35 kg to 50 kg per family per month. The Centre has not yet revised the food grain allocation based on the population census 2011. As and when the new scale is revised, the ration shall be provided as per census 2011.

Replying to a Calling Attention Notice by G M Saroori in Legislative Assembly, the minister further informed that presently government supplies 13201 quintals of food grains to Kishtwar, 17686 quintals to Ramban and 2728 quintals to Doda on monthly basis. As regard the BPL survey status, the Union Ministry of Rural Development has issued new guidelines for conducting socio economic and caste census throughout the country including J and K. He said the census has been undertaken by the Rural Development Department and is likely to be completed within-9-10 months and the BPL lists will be drawn afresh according to the parameters adopted by Government of India for the purpose. In Legislative Councie, the Minister also said that there is shortage of ration for approximately 3.02 lakh families as per census 2011.

The minister said that the matter stands taken up with Government of India for providing additional ration for covering the left out families, adding that as and when the Union Government adopts the figures of 2011 census and subsequently releases the additional quota of food grains, the left out families will be covered accordingly.

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