Thursday 5 May 2016

Saroori reviews developmental activities of sub-division Thathri

Distributed regularization order among 14 ReT teachers

Thathri, May 05: - Member of Legislative Assembly from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori today chaired a meeting of the officers in the Dak Bungalow Thathri and took sector wise development review of various works being executed in sub-division Thathri.

SDM Thathri Abdul Qayoom Mir, Executive Engineers R&B and PHE, flood & control, Tehsildar Thathri, Phagsoo and Kahara, BDO Thathri and Kahara, HOD Agriculture, Horticulture, BMO Thathri, ZEO Thathri and Drabshalla, AEE PMGSY and R&B, Naib Tehsildars, TSO Thathri and Kahara, storekeepers besides all other staffs from other departments attended the meeting.

Saroori reviewed the working of all developmental sectors and flagship programmes in the area. Special focus was given to the performance of different departments under the schemes, viz., IAY, MGNREGA, DRDA, RMSA, SSA, NRLM, R&B, town sanitation, agriculture, horticulture and PMGSY schemes.

He also reviewed implementation of other public welfare schemes/programme like PHE schemes, electrification of left out habitations, monthly ration supply to the public in remote areas, construction work of departmental buildings of Education, Health, under NABARD funds in the sub-division Thathri. The MLA, however, highlighted the need for improvement in their performance and asked the Officers to enhance their performance.

Saroori called upon the implementing agencies to accelerate complete the ongoing schemes in a time bound manner considering the limited working season in the area with special attention on PMGSY, roads rural sanitation programme, MGNREGA, works BRGF plan for the blocks, IAY beneficiaries coverage made in the Thathri and Kahara blocks, Swatch bharat and repairment of khuls and water supply schemes. He also underscored the need for judicious use of funds with schedule time of completion for ensuring early benefit to the targeted habitations.

He also directed the Executive Engineer R&B for issuing the tenders for black topping on Thathri-Badanoo road, Chariya-Kandothe road, Jangalwar-Phagsoo road, Thathri-Kilhotran and circular road Thathri besides removing of slips and constructing r-walls & drains wherever it is required. A team was also constituted headed by Tehsildar Kahara Ghulam Nabi Malik for submitting the report over the less width of Kahara-Tanta road than the prescribed norms and to demarcate the land acquired for the road and asses the causes for any such diversion from norms so that the responsibilities could be fixed. He also said that Rs 3 crores have been sanctioned for Goila-Trankhle road under NABARD sector and Rs 2 crores for construction of 36 mtr span motorable Steel bridge over Tanta Nallah besides this Saroori directed R&B department to handover the Thathri-Kathawa road to PMGSY department to which the PMGSY will construct the said road which has been sanctioned under PMGSY phase 10th.

Saroori also asked SDM Thathri to constitute a team to enquire about the non-distribution of ration and Kerosene oil in Tehsil Kahara besides this he asked the Horticulture department for the opening of Seed stores at Malanoo, Bathri and Cheera areas. He impressed upon the officers of PDD department to take all necessary steps to prevent frequent damages to the distribution system and transformers and for immediate replacement of the transformers to avoid unnecessary inconvenience to the people.

Meanwhile, G. M Saroori also took note of the ongoing correction in ration cards in the sub-division Thathri of district Doda. Earlier, heads of the departments briefed the MLA Inderwal about the physical and financial achievements under various flagship programmes in the area.

Saroori also visited Primary health centre Thathri to take stock of functioning of the institute

Later Saroori also distributed regularization orders among 14 ReT teachers of Thathri Education Zone. Also Mr. Saroori visited Phagsoo the residence of late Mohd Sharief Malik, Irshad Ahmed, Hajira Begum to personally express condolences to their families. MLA Inderwal said that no words were enough to console the bereaved families as the loss was enormous and irreparable. He expressed solidarity with the bereaved families and prayed for eternal peace to the departed souls.

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