Tuesday 17 November 2015

Saroori conducted whirlwind tour of Sarthal area

Holds meeting with Sarpanches from erstwhile Drabshalla block

Kishtwar, November 16: - Vice President JKPCC and MLA Inderwal, G. M Saroori conducted a whirlwind tour of the rural area of his constituting and inspected the pace of progress of works of various road works taken under Prime Minister Grameen Sadak Yojana PMGSY.

To ensure timely completion of ongoing road projects in the Sarthal area, Saroori today visited Angara, Bhagra, Moharwari, Karool areas of Sarthal where road widening and upgradation work is in progress. He said that by connecting various remote and inaccessible villages with the main land, the necessary connectivity is being provided to these which would ensure their socio-economic development, besides ensuring that the pace of development in other spheres of life is also accelerated.

Saroori said this while inspected 12 km long Sarthal-Bhagran road which is being constructed by PMGSY department at an estimated cost of 10 crores and got on the spot feed back of the progress. The construction work of the road will be completed by September 2016. He instructed engineers of PMGSY to intensify the pace of work by employing more labour force and double shifts to ensure early completion of the Bhagra and Chandali roads.

He also enquired about the development needs there. Interacting with the people at these places, Saroori said reaching out to the people, knowing their problems and putting all efforts to give on spot redressal is my priority”. He appealed people to work unitedly for the cause of development, adding the people of Sarthal have always followed the ethos of brotherhood, amity and tolerance. He said that power in a democratic set up lies with the people and it’s they who have to preserve the secular fabric of the state.

Referring to the development works under execution in the Sarthal areas, Saroori said that several projects under different sectors have been sanctioned and on completion of these projects the development scenario of the area will change. Saroori said Congress government during its tenure launched several people friendly schemes like MGNREGA, NRHM and PMGSY etc. And the aim was to bring a qualitative change into the lives of rural people.

Later Saroori hold a meeting of Sarpanches from block Bunjwah, Drabshalla of district Kishtwar in which ACD Kishtwar Akhtar Qazi, BDO’s Nasir Ahmed, Subuh Shad, Sarpanch Association Mohd Iqbal Keen and other sarpanches from Drabshalla and Bunjwah blocks were present.

Saroori laid stress on time bound completion of targets which were assigned to the respective BDO’s and asked BDO’s to monitor the construction works which were taken up in their blocks under Swach Bharat, IAY, MGNREGA and timely submission of utilization certificates of works done under SDRF. 

Further laying stress on time bound completion of targets on top priority. BDO’s were directed to maintain liasioning with people and organize awareness programmes about various schemes launched by the RDD department. Saroori further stressed upon the Sarpanches to take up 80% plan for the year 2015-16 and start the work at an earliest.

Earlier ACD Kishtwar briefed about the works taken up under various components of MGNREGA, IAY and Swach Bharat abhiyan and asked the PRI’s to take cement from the store and start the work for this year. He also informed that for the year 2013-14 MGNREGA payment has been cleared and said Rs 20 crores have been released for MGNREGA work been completed for the year of 2014-15 and assured that by ending December payment to job card holders will be completed for 2014-15.directed for speedy implementation of MGNREGA maintaining that it has been instrumental in speeding up the development of rural and far flung areas besides providing the much needed job opportunities to the people of these areas.

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