Wednesday 18 November 2015

Saroori visits Chatroo, holds meeting with Sarpanches and RDD officials

Saroori visits Chatroo, holds meeting with Sarpanches and RDD officials

Ensure implementation and speed up of rural development schemes

Chatroo, November 18: - PCC Vice President and MLA Inderwal, G. M Saroori directed the officers to speed up the implementation of MGNREGA, so that more and more people living in rural and far-flung areas of sub-division Chatroo get benefitted from it, besides ensuring the asset creation.

MLA Inderwal was addressing the officers, Sarpanches from twin blocks of sub-division Chatroo of district Kishtwar. BDO Chatroo Subuh Shad, BDO Mugalmaidan Mohsin Raza Ahanger, Accountact Masood Mattoo, JE’s, VLW’s, GRS, Sarpanch Association Tariq Wani besides Sarpanches from other panchayats and local Congress leaders were also present in the meeting.

Saroori impressed upon the officers to ensure that the status of implementation of MGNREGA and other rural development schemes be speeded up so that people living in rural and far-flung areas of sub-division Chatroo get benefit from it. He said that due care should be taken so that the benefit of these percolates to the targeted and genuine beneficiaries. He said that the scheme has been instrumental in providing the much needed job opportunities to the people at their door steps besides the creation of infrastructural assets is also done.

He stressed on taking up tangible works like construction of pacca-path, foot bridges, plantation, water harvesting tanks, p-work and other construction works and added that more focus should be laid on taking up such works in convergence with other departments so that a pool of resources is created that could be utilized for creating durable assets.

While asking for dovetailing the implementation of MGNREGA with a scheme of other departments through convergence, Saroori asked the officers to prepare comprehensive Detail Project Reports (DPRs) well in time before the start of the next financial year and all modalities of the expenditure on the labour part would be provided out of the MGNREGA funds. He said that by doing so we would be broadening the ambit of this flagship programme so that more people get benefitted from it. “The quarterly review of the implementation of convergence projects under MGNREGA should be done and officers of different department should work in synergized and coordinated manner so that the bottlenecks if any are removed”, Saroori added.

Underscoring need of proper tracking and monitoring of works under the department and to ensure quality work, Saroori said don’t finalize the payment of newly construction Panchayat Ghars before the BDO’s will inspect the construction works.

Saroori further stressed upon the Sarpanches to take up 60% of plan for the year 2015-16 which will create 83 crores liability in district Kishtwar and asked them to start the work at an earliest.

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