Sunday 15 December 2019

SPO died after falling from hilltop while on patrolling duty

Kishtwar, November 23: In a tragic accident, a Special Police Officer (SPO) died after falling from a hilltop in Kuntwara area of Kishtwar District.

As per the details available, SPO identified by police sources as Rajesh Kumar (35 yrs) Son of Hem Raj Resident of Chalasoo while on patrolling duty died after he slip into 300 meter deep gorge in Kuntwara area falling under jurisdiction of police station Kishtwar.

As soon as senior police officials received an information about the incident, SHO police station Kishtwar and I/C police post Drabshalla immediately rush to the spot and after five long hour rescue operation which started from 9 PM Tuesday night till 2 AM today manage to recover the dead body of the deceased SPO.

The deceased SPO after conducting the autopsy was cremated in his native village.

Meanwhile Former Minister J&K, G. M Saroori expressed deep shock and grief over the death of SPO Rajesh Kumar.

He urged upon the government and senior police officials to provide full compensation to the family of the deceased cop beside a job for his wife so that she could take better care of her children. He also urged the administration for all possible help to the family members of the deceased SPO who scarified his life in the line of duty.

Mr. Saroori extends his condolences to the family of the deceased SPO and all colleagues. He also prayed the Almighty for eternal peace to the departed soul.

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