Sunday 15 December 2019

G. M Saroori takes up the people’s issue with Commissioner secretary PHE

SRINAGAR, JULY 09: - Former Minister J&K, G. M Saroori called on Commissioner Secretary Public Health Engineering (PHE) and Chief Engineer PHE Jammu.

During the separate meetings, Former Minister raised drinking water problem being faced by people in Inderwal constituency.

Mr. Saroori explained briefly about the different issues related to shortage of drinking water in Chingam, Deller, Singpora, Inderwal, Batwari, Gorinal, Chatroo, Sigdi, Kuchal, Dadpeth, Khawjgam, Waheed Kwath, Dadpeth, Horna, Tagood, Kakerwagan, Kuchal, Niccha, Rahalthal, Mugalmaidan, Mangthalla, Shanna, Keshwan, Sarawan, Thakrie, Sarthal, Saroor, Drabshalla, Kontwara, Bunjwah, Thathri, Phagsoo, Kahara, Tanta, Malanoo, Batogra, Kansoo, Balgran, Chamoti, Jakyas, Challar, Chinyas and other areas, starting of new supply schemes for the smooth availability of drinking water and irrigation facilities and shortage of pipes in the areas. He added that lift WSS Dadpeth, WSS Kuchan, Keshwan, Duri-Bhagra, Drabshallah, Chingam, Seva, Thathri and Kahara schemes have been sanctioned and needed immediate funds for the start of the different works.

The Former Minister concerns was appreciated and urged him to continue sustained efforts for promoting harmony and people’s welfare in his area. They also assured that the drinking water problem will be solved in a time bound manner and the department will lay the pipes for all the households under languishing program.

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