Wednesday 27 May 2015

Congress kick started membership drive in Kashmir

In case of any eventuality with Congress leaders, PDP-BJP will be responsible: Saroori over withdrawal of security cover to party leaders

Enroll highest number of members throughout the Jammu and Kashmir state: Dar

Kupwara/Sopore, May 19: - In its bid to rejuvenate the party in Kashmir region, Vice President JKPCC G. M. Saroori-(MLA Inderwal) and Vice President JKPCC Haji Abdul Rashid Dar-(MLA Sopore) today kick started membership drive in Sopore and Kupwara area in North Kashmir.

On this occasion Congress Spokesperson Farooq Andrabi, General Secretary Shoaib Nabi Lone, General Secretary Surinder Singh Channi , District President Kupwara Haji Farooq Mir, Jasbir Kour, Raja Ji, Altaf Ahmed Malik, all Party functionaries of District Kupwara, Block President, Prominent Leaders and Workers were present on this occasion.

While addressing the large gathered Congress workers, Saroori called upon the party workers to put in their best efforts to ensure maximum membership from Kashmir region. He asked the Congress activists to instill a sense of cooperation among them while executing the exercise to add new members into the party fold.

He hoped that the workers would leave no stone unturned in ensuring highest numbers of new members from Jammu adding that the drive would further strengthen the party at grass root levels.

Saroori also condemns the attack on house of Congress leader from Cheyrar Sharief constituency, Zahid Jussain Jaan and has alleged that party leaders were not provided adequate security by the PDP-BJP dispensation despite attack on leader. The coalition government is answerable for the reported lack of security arrangements on the leader despite threat from the certain groups.

He also shows great concern over withdrawal of security cover to party leader, added that in case of any eventuality with Congress leaders in future, the coalition government will be responsible for the same. He said that government has failed in providing security cover to Congress leaders in JK and has brought into question the whole security issue.

Terming Congress Party a movement, Haji Rashid Dar in his address said that Congress Party is oldest political party with a history of 125 years in serving the people and the country no political party or front can compete with the Congress Party, as Congress Party has always worked for poor and down trodden people and it is all weather friend of the people. He said Congress party is a vibrant force in every nook and corner of the state and the membership drive which is being kicks off was a step towards further strengthening the party by way of involving young, dynamic and educated people, who are desirous to serve the society.

He hoped that this time too Congress leaders and workers will be able to enroll highest number of members throughout the Jammu and Kashmir state.

Farooq Andrabi, Shoaib Nabi Lone, Surinder Singh Channi, Haji Farooq Mir, Jasbir Kour, Raja Ji, Altaf Ahmed Malik and others also spokes on the occasion and exhorted upon the party workers to reach out to maximum number of people in every nook and corner of Kupwara and Sopore districts in order to get the drive to its optimum level.

The Congress leaders hoped that through the medium of membership drive the Congress party would get a new boost which in turn would help it to attain new heights.

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