Friday 18 August 2017

Bring lifestyle of prophet in your life: Alhaj Miyan Maqbool to Muslims

We should be ready to respond to the conspiracies of our enemies: Saroori

Annual function day celebrated at Gali Bhatoli

Congress holds protest against PDP-BJP government for not safeguarding Article 370, 35A

BHALESSA, AUGUST 11: - Annual function day of Madrasa-Ul-Uloom was celebrated at Gali Bhatoli of Tehsil Chilli Pingal in Sub-Division Gandoh was celebrated under the chairmanship of Alhaj Peer Miyan Maqbool sahab (Baji sahab). Eminent Muslim scholars, Management of the Madrasa, thousands of people and other dignitaries were also present in the function.

The program was initiated with the recitation of verses from Holy Quran and Naat.

While addressing the gathering, Alhaj Peer Miyan Maqbool sahab (Baji sahab) enlightened the beauty of Islam and also explained about the dress code that the Islam has permitted for us. He urged every Muslim to bring the lifestyle of prophet Muhammad (SAW) in their life to achieve success in the world and hereafter.

He stressed every Muslim to follow the footsteps of prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He said Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has shown us the way for the success in this world and hereafter. He also said that democracy or martial law will not solve our problems. Our struggle should be for Khilafah and establishing the system of Islam.

MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori during his speech, alleged that attempts are being made to “interfere” in Shariat laws through courts due to the pressure of communal parties and warned communal parties to maintain the stand of “non-interference in such matters” as was adopted by the previous governments. He claimed that the Muslim population was feeling insecure, “Muslims are bound to think that today some communal persons have lynch and murdering the innocent person including Mohd Nayeem, Zahid Hussain and others from Jammu and Kashmir, Rajsthan, Gujarat, Jarkhand, UP, tomorrow it could be any one of them.”

Saroori said that an attempt was being made to demonize the Muslim community. He alleged that there was a concerted effort by the BJP government to target Muslim community. Muslim Ummah should be like one body. When one Muslim is in pain in one corner of the world the other in other corner should feel the pain and help him. Loving our country is natural but Nationalism should not overcome the Ummah. Islam is above country. We should also not be divided on basis of Sectarianism. Quran clearly teaches us to not be divided into sects. The solution to overcome sectarianism is following Quran and Sunnah.

Saying in strong words, Saroori said we should also be ready to respond to the conspiracies of our enemies. They want to divide and conquer us. We should start gaining knowledge and make progress in different fields of life including media. We have all types of resources available which are needed to be utilized in right way.

On the occasion Ghulam Mustafa Azad, Chowdhary Ali Mohd, Molvi Mohd Shafi, Mufti Taj Din, Hafiz Mohd Shafi, Chowdhary Abdul Latief Bania also delivered a talk on the importance of the Madaris and Ulamas. They said, "it is only because of the Madaris the faith of the Muslims of the Indian sub continent are more stronger than compared to the people of Middle east because they have neglected the Madaris. They said that such divisions are not endorsed by Islam and Islam believes in fostering unity amongst its followers. They urged all the Ummah to be united and fight against those who wanted to harm our religion Islam. They also highlighted the importance of Parents, giving or taking interest money and other things.

Madrasa students in their speech’s also highlighted the social evils like dowry and told to the audience to eliminate such evils at the earliest. Madrasa children have also presented various Deeni program on the occasion. The program was concluded on the dua of Alhaj Peer Miyan Maqbool sahab (Baji sahab).

Later a strong protest was held against PDP-BJP coalition government at Gali Bhatoli in tehsil Chilli-Pingal here demanding the immediate safeguarding of Article 370, 35A, a day after the state’s ruling parties to tinker with it.

Senior Congress leaders Ghulam Mustafa Azad, Musarat Hussain Naik, Ali Mohd, Mohd Abaas, Zakir Hussain, Mohd Yunus, and all other local party leaders participated in the protest.

Mr. Saroori cautioned the people to understand that tinkering with Article 370 or 35-A could take away the right of state subject certificate, which otherwise was protecting the distinct identity of the state. He said that BJP wants to tinkle with the laws that accords special powers to the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly for framing laws which is beneficial for the general public of the state. He advised to BJP leaders who are hell bent to tinkle these important laws should first learn about the importance of Article 35A and the fallouts of its scrapping.

This is a question of our existence. If the enemy succeeds in its plans, we will be annihilated,” Saroori told the large gathering. All the speakers including Mr. Sarori, Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Azad and others, accused the PDP-BJP coalition government in Jammu and Kashmir of having failed to address the problems of the people especially of basic the PDP-BJP are responsible for persecution of Gujjars and Bakerwals in Jammu. Since they (BJP-PDP) joined hands, the miseries of the people of Jammu and Kashmir have increased manifolds. While the BJP cheated people of Jammu, the people of Kashmir were cheated by the PDP. They said that all the promises made to the people prior to the Assembly elections of 2014 remained unfulfilled. Nearly three years has passed but they have failed to fulfil any of the promises

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