Friday 18 August 2017

People protest against PDD, block road in Kahara

State government instead of working seriously for the people’s cause, has pushed them to the wall: Saroori

Redress genuine demands of the people of Kahara in a time bond manner: Imam Jamia Masjid Kahara to Administration

KAHARA, JUNE 09: - Resident of Kahara tehsil today staged a protest demonstration against Power Development Department (PDD) alleging negligence due to which one person identified as Fareed Ahmed son of Mohammad Sikander resident of Goila Kahara died while 15 other got injured, after a live electric wire LT (Low Tension) hanging with trees breakdown due to sudden 440 volt current. The incident took place last evening when a hanging electric wire suddenly collapsed and fall on few house causes.

A large number of locals including Member of Legislative Assembly from Inderwal, G. M Saroori assembled on the main bazaar Kahara and staged a protest amid anti-department slogans & demanded opening of PHC at Kahara which was sanctioned by previous government in 2014, streamlining of electricity in Kahara, posting of Doctors in PHC, replacement of ambulance in PHC Malanoo & providing of new ambulance for PHC Kahara, replacement of PDD employees in Kahara and early start of work on RGGVY phase II project in a time bond manner.

After receiving information about the protest SDM Thathri, Tehsildar Kahara, SDPO Gandoh, BMO Thathri and other sectoral officials rushed to the spot.

While speaking on the occasion Mr. Saroori appreciated the role of JK Police for immediately rushing to the rescue site last night and shifted the injured persons to nearby hospital. He alleged negligence of PDD department and blame AEE, Foreman and lineman of the department responsible for maintaining of transmission lines in the area. He said that despite repeated request and intimation to foreman few days by the Former Naib Sarpanch from Goila regarding the vulnerability of the said hanging transmission line but nothing was done on part of foreman as a result of which Fareed Ahmed Shan lost his life.

Saroori demanded immediate registration of an FIR against the officials of the PDD department besides conduct of enquiry into the matter. He also demanded early release of Rs. 10 lakhs relief in favour of the deceased family as well as job for the deceased family member under SRO-43, besides this providing of every required medical facility to the injured ones so that they do not feel any inconvenience.

He also expressed serious concern over the precarious power situation in Kahara and said it seems the Power Minister Dr. Nirmal Singh, PDP-BJP government has virtually decided to keep the people of far flung areas of Doda and Kishtwar districts into darkness. He remarked that the people living in rural and far flung areas are without electricity that too at a time when the power supplies are needed more during the month of Ramzan. He informed that Rs. 100 crores stand sanctioned by Ghulam Nabi Azad in 2014 for improving the power supply under RGGVY phase II for Doda and Kishtwar districts. “The transmission and distribution system has also deteriorated thereby depriving the consumers of vital electricity facility. The dilapidated LT network especially in rural areas is posing a grave threat to the life and property of the common man, he stressed,” Saroori said, while urging the administration to start the work on RGGVY phase-II project so that people of the area will get 63 kvs transformer, iron poles and regular power supply.

On the public demand for opening of PHC at Kahara, Saroori said 5 PHC’s were sanctioned by the previous NC-Congress government including one at Kahara but this government PDP-BJP has stopped the order of opening the PHC at Kahara. He said present government lacks developmental mission that’s why the government has stopped the opening of PHC in Kahara. He said that state government instead of working seriously for the people’s cause, has pushed them to the wall through its in sensitiveness, callous attitude and mis-governance over the last three years.

Mr. Saroori also directed SDM Thathri for holding the public darbar before 15th of this month in June. He also took the matter Chief Secretary, Div Com Jammu, Commissioner Secretary PDD, DC Doda over the incident and negligence on part of the PDD department and addressing the genuine issues of the common masses.

Imam Jamia Masjid Kahara also spoke on the occasion and urged the administration for early redressing of the genuine demands of the people of Kahara in a time bond manner, if not people of the Kahara will hold another strong protest against the administration for redressing of the demands.

Later on the assurance of SDM Thathri, the people then lifted dharna. A long traffic jam was created in the area.

Earlier Mr. Saroori also participated in nimaz-e-janazah of the Fareed Ahmed at Goila and prayed for the eternal peace to the departed soul. He also prayed to almighty Allah to give strength to the bereaved family to bear this irreparable loss.

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