Friday 18 August 2017

Saroori distributes motorised tricycles

Urgent need to harness skills from differently able persons and also give them a secure and dignified life

KISHTWAR, JUNE 14: - Member of Legislative Assembly from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori today distributed three motorized Tricycle among the PHC beneficiaries at an awareness programme organized by Social Welfare department here today.

On the occasion District Social welfare Officer Phulail Singh described in detail several social security and welfare schemes of the department like AASRA, State Marriage Assistance Scheme (SMAS), Pension Schemes for old age, physically handicapped, Widow and militancy victims.

He informed that the department of social welfare district Kishtwar has registered a record number of 8000 beneficiaries under social security scheme AASRA. Besides 500 cases have been sanctioned under SMAS scheme to provide financial Assistance to the poor girls for their marriage.

The department has also sanctioned 76 cases which are pending with executive director state Rehabilitation Council J&K.

Saroori asserted that differently abled persons are very vital part of our society with specialized set of skills gifted by the Allah and there is an urgent need to harness these skills from such people and also give them a secure and dignified life. He said that need of the hour is to give this realization to these people that they too have the special role in the development of the society. He called on the officials of the department to clear all the pending cases of Tricycles assistance so that other handicapped persons could not feel dejected while seeing others were given the benefits.

MLA Inderwal urged Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar to take up the matter with the concerned Minister regarding settlement of pending cases under Old age Pension Scheme, Motorized Tricycle to disabled and other schemes.

Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar Ghulam Nabi Balwan, Chief Planning Officer Kishtwar Yasir Balwan, District Social Welfare Officer Phulail Singh, besides other district Officers, beneficiaries and other citizens were present on the occasion.

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