Friday 18 August 2017

Release salaries before Eid-ul-Fitr, Saroori to Govt

Teachers, daily wagers who work with dedication have not been paid their wages for the past several months

KISHTWAR, JUNE 20: Senior Congress leader and MLA Inderwal, G. M Saroori today asked the government to release pending payments of contractors and wages of thousands of daily wagers, casual laborers as well as salaries of the employees of various corporations including teachers before Eid-ul- Fitr, who he said have not been paid a single penny for a long time now.

In a statement issued today, Saroori said: “The Teachers, daily wagers, casual laborers who work with dedication have not been paid their wages for the past several months. These people do a lot of hard work without any returns. He said that in view of the festivals of “EID and DIWALI” this is a time that Government would realize the difficulties of these employees and issue orders for release of salaries.

The PDP-BJP government had promised that it will bring change in the state, but it seems the only change they have brought so far is to deny wages to the hardworking employees,” “It is irony of sorts that these employees are not being paid even minimum wages,” Saroori said.

Speaking to the group of workers and employees of various corporations who called on him here today and have not received salaries for more than three months, Mr. Saroori assured them that he would take up the matter with the top authorities in the administration and also talk to the Chief Minister and Finance Minister in this regard.

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